If towns were run by kindergartners…

  • Status: Sketch
  • Category: Fiction
  • Created: April 25, 2001
  • Last update: August 10, 2013
  • # of commits: 2

The presentation had finished and from behind the oak podium that separated Jacob Lyons from five council members, he hoped to have changed their attitudes towards his request for a construction permit.

The completed forms were submitted three weeks ago, well before the necessary deadline to ensure the inclusion of his request on the agenda for the April meeting of Newberry’s town council. Yet many townspeople had come to the meeting in opposition.

As the meeting’s start, Jacob felt confident in regards to the council’s approval, and just prior to the meeting, had made plans to begin work on a 50-unit apartment complex next month. However, before the official presentation, word of Jacob’s plans traveled quickly through the Newberry grapevine, and in the talk that flowed through Newberry’s restaurants and hair dressers, talk at the gas stations and early-season baseball games, the buzz did not bode well for the apartment complex.

Jacob Lyons sat cramped at a desk.

Miss Rutteger passed out milk to her first grade students.

Jacob Lyons had petitioned the Newberry Town Council for a building permit.

Five of Miss Rutteger’s students were selected to comprise the Newberry town council.

The class voted Bobby Jamison as chairman; Larry Hamilton wasn’t and asked for a recount.

Townspeople who attended the meeting felt another apartment complex would create a greater tax burden.

Miss Rutteger sent Larry Hamilton to the corner.

Construction of the apartment complex would take place on the old Miller property, which Jacob Lyons had recently bought.

The Miller property abutted a lake, which although used sparingly, afforded the town recreation space and a place to hold the Fall Harvest Picnic.

Ida Roberts voiced her concern that Mr. Lyons, being new to the town, didn’t have a clue as to how Newberry operated.

Mike McKenzie, son of Ralph McKenzie, agreed with Ida Roberts, though he had loaned Jacob Lyons the money used to buy the Miller property.

Jacob Lyons sighed in disbelief.

Mike Mckenzie inherited the Newberry State Bank from his father, who inherited it from his father.

Wilbur Mittings thought more residential space could bring more families to Newberry and allow it to grow.

Every year at the Fall Harvest Picnic people ate and drank and talked and listened to Danny River and the Raiders, a local band with a huge following, as they performed before the massive gathering.

Jacob Lyons had grown up in Houston.

Jack Roberts considered the apartment complex a good idea, but thought the Miller property a bad location for such a large-scale project.

Bobby Jamison pounded his gavel and asked for a recess, which by a 4-1 vote was granted.

The townspeople talked louder as the quiet during the testimony was not required.

Bobby Jamison walked to the bathroom.

Ida Roberts spoke deliberately to Jacob Lyons; she asked why he didn’t build in nearby Tuxwood, a city more suited to a large apartment complex.

Jacob Lyons sighed in disbelief.

Bobby Jamison pounded the gavel and the meeting started again.

Paul Ryan liked the idea of encouraging growth in Newberry and entertained thoughts of bringing a strip mall to a vacant strip of land north of town.

Jacob Lyons nodded his head in agreement.


Date Message
August 10, 2013
updates punctuation marks and smart quotes
August 10, 2013
initial commit